EasyToon is the core shader of Toonkit. It’s a Uber Shader to stylize rendering and integrate all lights of the selected light group, the ambient light (set in Toonkit Ambient light Settings) and the Line Rendering (Set in the Toonkit Rendering Settings). Currently, Sun and Point Lights are Supported.
Configure the number of cells in the shader. If Cels is set to 0 it will use the Hardness of the Light (Set in Toonkit Light Settings)
Ambient Light:
Configure the usage of Ambient Light in the shader. You can set the Toonkit Ambient Light in the Toonkit World Settings
Light and Shadow Colors:
Toonkit shader integrates the Shadow and Light colors to make a cel shader gradient. You can use any color or texture on those.
You can set the specular intensity, color and smoothness of the material
Line Rendering:
You can turn on or off the global Toonkit Line Rendering. Also, configure the Line Color and Intensity per node. Many other settings for it are available in the Render Settings.
Terminator Fix:
The Terminator input set the value to be used in the fixer for the known terminator shadow problem that is very common in unbiased renders
More about: https://blender.community/c/rightclickselect/fHfbbc
Textures and Color Outputs:
Easytoon provides Color outputs that can be mixed with any color data including textures. With this, you gain unlimited power to free your creativity and make an unlimited number of effects and styles. Since many Toolkit Outputs are colors and you can work on it just like Photoshop Layers mixing those. Notice that you can connect color to the Material output without problems since Cycles internally generate an Emission shader such as the one used in the Easytoon Output (The green socket).
Alternatively, you can use the Light Channel to apply textures but it's a way less flexible workflow