Light Settings
Tookit light settings will setup light values for EasyToon and Object Info (If a Lamp is selected). Currently only Sun and Point Lights are available
- Light Group: The light Group this lamp is part. You can set 8 lamps per light group and there’s no light groups limit.
- Color: The Color of the lamp.
- Radius (Point Only): Radius of the Point Light
- Smooth: Smoothness of the Light (In EasyToon only if Cel value is set to 0)
- Specular: Turn on the Specular element of this lamp
- Specular Color: The Specular Color of this lamp
- Specular Smoothness : The smoothness of the specular
- Shadow: Turn on The Shadow Projection for this lamp
- Smooth: Set the Smoothness of the shadow.
Ignore Shadow
You can mark objects to do not cast shadow. That can be done setting the prefix “-” at the name of the object. e.g: “-Cube” See more about in the Render Settings Page